Friday, November 24, 2006

SG 11-24-06

Blog Post

in about four days i go grey...
how do i feel about it?
part of me is excited, part of me wants to wait til february, and part of me doesn't care as long as i'm not paying for sg.....

in other news, on my last journal someone asked me for a sock buddha, well i made one, and i think i like it wink

but no one else seemed to say "hey elena, i would really love a sock creature from you... "
come on guys!
i'm doing sock things, journals, maybe a few clocks, or blankets or pillowa and other hand/ home made or redecorated items this year for the holidays, if there's something you want please speak up, cause i won't know if you don't! no request is to bizarre! but i'll be honest if i think it's beyond me smile

thanksgiving was good i spent it at and am still at my dad's it was nice, and humorous....
hopefully my husband ann will be moving into the apartment over the next week or so, that'll be nice...

what else? oh! i'm gonna go visit Neil the last week of the year down in cali, i'm super excited about that and keep wondering if it's time to go yet!

life's just been life, i dunno what to say except tell me what you want! what didn't you ever get as a kid that would have made life happier?

next sock mission? maybe a sock cathulu smile i like being creative with these sorta things, so challenge and inspire me!

love to you all!

ps go wish nixon a friggin happy birthday, not only is she sexy and beautiful she's fucking intelligent and amazing on so many different levels it'd prolly blow your mind!

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Blog Post
what have i done with my last two days off?

i've made sock rabbits!
that's right people, sock rabbits!

this year it's a home made xmas! 
so get in your requests and if i think you deserve a present i might make you something... 

no they aren't all gonna be stuffed aminals, i'm also working on journals, maybe a few clocks or some other random artwork,who knows maybe even pajamas....
i don't wanna toot my own horn or anthing, but i'm pretty crafty wink

in lyric land today i have to say thanks coldplay...

You can take a picture of something you see
In the future where will I be?
You can climb a ladder up to the sun
Or write a song nobody has sung or do
Something that's never been done

Are you lost or incomplete?
Do you feel like a puzzle, you can't find your missing piece?
Tell me how do you feel?
Well I feel like they're talking in a language I don't speak
And they're talking it to me

So you take a picture of something you see
In the future where will I be?
You can climb a ladder up to the sun
Or write a song nobody has sung or do
Something that's never been done, do
Something that's never been done

So you don't know where you're going and you wanna talk
And you feel like you're going where you've been before
You tell anyone who'll listen but you feel ignored
Nothing's really making any sense at all, let's talk
Let's talk, let's talk, let's talk 

oh and go wish boosy(kevin) a friggin happy birthday!
not only is he my favorite suicide boy, he's just plain awesome and wonderful and loves hippos, andhis bandis pretty friggin awesome as well...
so yeah go give him some mad love!

still feeling a little short and stout...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

SG 11-15-06

Blog Post

days like today i remember i am a broken teapot glued back together from being broken too many times...

is it love that holds me together or just sheer will?
maybe it's some other sticky substance and that's why i keep falling apart...
at least i'm still a teapot and not a mosaic stepping stone....
well somedays i do feel like that stepping stone too...

yeah, it's time for bed, maybe the next three days off will help get me back together again...
no where'd i put that cocoa?
and where are my swings when i really need them?
is it christmas yet?

more manic than you know.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

SG 11-14-06

Blog Post

you know what's absolutely lovely?

being able to sit on a futon in your living room, drinking hotchocolate with rumplemintz, watching harold and maude and checking your internets all at once... i can EVEN fall asleep in my living room and actually be COMFORTABLE again.....
doing these things with a companion would be lovlier, but hey i'm content enough for now wink

any how, i am doing all of these lovely things, after having watched "Short Bus" the new john cameron mitchell flick, it was exactly what i needed and at the perfect time to boot!

the last week was definitely a whirlwind of activity thanx in part to mister brown, i forgot how exhausting being social was!

i think my brain just decided it was time for bed! so i'm off to finish my hot chocolate, and fall asleep to harold and maude... good times, good times!


Friday, November 03, 2006

SG 11-3-06

Blog Post

dear portland hoodie fairy......

you're amazing!


i went and bought a bright ass shoot me red warm fleece hoodie today, even got my name on the back, it was hard to resist the old english!

this is me being happy in said hoodie

when i got home today from buying that lovely red hoodie there was a bag on my doorstep, the note only said enjoy.....

in the bag?

two more hoodies!
one grey with hippo written across the back, the other brown with monki on the back....

i guess someone else loves me and wants me to be warm this winter!
thanks stranger!


what do you kids think, do either of these need a tail or ears???

pss Corregan arrives tomorrow!!!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

SG 11-2-06

now for a weird topic, some of you may already know this but

Syphilis is my favorite std !

do you have a favorite?

love elena

ps herpes is my second favorite wink

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

SG 11-01-06

i hope you all had a wonderful halloween/ halloweekends!

i know my weekend was wonderful!

muchas smooches !