Thursday, January 01, 2009

catching up on the rest of 08

May 08

Everyone, who can, visits us, emotions are up and down, within two weeks of my c-section I have lost 30lbs and get my staples removed, the next day we go to court about David contesting the restraining order, he doesn’t bother to show up.

The lovely Miss Kassie visits us and we have a wonderful time on our first real outing as well as our first trip to the zoo!

My friend Kevin, from Scotland comes for a visit next,

Adam is in town that week too.

NilaJane experiences her first rain and fireworks, I earn my Portland mommy badge by breastfeeding on the MAX,

we pick up Sherry from the airport and there is another trip to the zoo

June 08

I finally put my *ting* back in, they’d made me remove it before the C-section, Ann gets me out of the house for the first time without the baby, I get all dolled up and am even allowed a drink! I make an ex boyfriend cry, unintentionally, I guess me having someone else’s baby is kind of heart breaking.

18th we trek down to the coast to introduce Lil Miss to Grumpa, and to say our goodbyes,

this hurts so bad. I hold his hand as he fades

and I spend the day on the beach talking to his ocean. He passes away on the 20th

27th this is the last day I see Ann, I still don’t know what happened. Between Grumpa passing and Ann just sorta disappearing from my life the post-partum starts to set in and I start gaining back all the weight I’d lost up til now

28th I go back to work at the café

I need a swing set bad, I can feel the sadness creeping in all around me, luckily I find out the Moby is super swing friendly, maybe this will save some of my sanity

July 08

We go down to Medford for Grumpa’s memorial, it is good to be amongst so much family, but my depression continues and by the middle of the month I have gained back every bit of weight I managed to lose.
I find out a credit card I thought I had cancelled in 2003 has been collecting fees and has gone from 0dollars to 2000 because of it. Sigh…
NilaJane and I attend a fantasy blade battle party, getting wenched out is a great feeling :)

August 08

I decide “Leaving all the boys in my past, it's friends or nothing fellas”. Basically if we’ve had something previously there won’t be anything again, as of April 2010 I have stuck to this decision.

15th we run into David on the hottest day of the year, he doesn’t say anything, just walks away; I am left shaking with hurt and anger.

September 08

Hours are virtually nonexistent at the café
Corregan meets Lil miss and I meet Nhadyne! She is lovely!
I wait til After Corregan leaves town, then I get the restraining order against David modified to a no offensive contact order, hoping he’ll get involved in lil miss’s life.

she’s already begun


and crawling

and jumping

and feeding herself

as well as teething.

Somebody forgot to tell her she's only four months old.

Shit goes down with S and B and K and my head and heart hurt from it all. Speaking of drama a week before my birthday both fawn and Ann unfriend me on MySpace, ouch.

I spend my birthday week doing a lot of fun things, including going to sushi with the gang and a few movies! I even get to go alone with a guy I really like, we are almost completely silent with each other, I don’t know how not to like him though. i end up at work on my birthday, it ends up being the last day I’ll work at the café. This is not a happy thing.

October 08

For some reason burl spends the week around his birthday in new york.

I have a few unsuccessful job interviews this month and Lil miss begins to start signing.

NilaJane attends her first concert, it is a blast despite David not showing up, or prolly even because he didn’t. jasmine and I re-spark our ever changing friendship and I find out that Sherry will be moving in with my mom and burl at the end of the month

Lysa and I take NilaJane to the punkin patch in her skunk costume,

NilaJane is batgirl for Halloween,

I am Poison Ivy

and Lysa is cat woman,

we are such a happy trio

November 08

Jasmine gives birth to little miss trinity on Cliff’s birthday,

president Obama is elected and NilaJane is 6 months old.

We visit Stonehenge at the maryhill museum
and I begin knitting an octopus.
I end up breaking the new neighbors nose when he assaults his girlfriend on my porch, this violence doesn’t help all the pent up whatever I have going on, and the boy from the movies? He’s still frustrating me with mixed signals!

I get new glasses and register for winter college classes, thanksgiving is a stressful mess

December 08

I start the child support process and get the ball rolling on establishing paternity,

lil miss meets David for the first (and so far only) time on a bus ride home.

there is a full moon and NilaJane eats her first snow flake.

The snow tries to ruin Christmas

but family vetoes the veto!

NilaJane and i spend new year’s with Jasmine,

of all people, and her two little ones.

life runs in circles.