Saturday, May 10, 2008

baby wisdom

The disparity between what parents would like to do and what they have been led to believe they should do results in diminished self-confidence and distances them from their spontaneous, natural responses. Parents' unspoken feelings of incompetence create tension in their interactions with their babies, and babies can pick up on this. Not only are parents less able to trust their own feelings, but they are also unable to trust their babies' expressions of emotions. And since babies rely on parents to interpret the world for them, this baby may end up not trusting him or herself.

Friday, May 09, 2008

May or May not, a report from the future

This is a look back on the first week of May '08 and the last time in my life I will be childless, also a summary of David dealings up until May '10

May 1st

Marma's Birthday! I go out and pick her 57 dandelions, because I am an amazing daughter :) Also, Will and Colby are in their new apartment!

i know my last weekend of being baby free is upon me so i attempt to live it up as much as possible!

May 2nd

Renn Fayre begins and i help set up karma as usual, Nixon and Darren show up to welcome lil miss, they know it will be soon!

I am so very lucky to have these people, have i mentioned that yet?

we all go out for sushi and i meet Colby and Will's third piece of the triforce, Grant, we continue our night out, we hop bars in their new neighborhood and they drink and i play pool, i am ridiculously Pregnant in my Cherry halter dress and wedge heels! life with these three boys is kinda wonderful.

(life with such great friends renews my sense of joy in life.)

May 3rd/4th

we plan on watching the renn fayre fireworks, i bring blankets galore but somehow we miss the fireworks and end up playing in the park, Will even pushes me on the swings.

eventually we all end up back at the boys new place, being around all of this happiness makes me wonder how hard post-partum is going to hit me.

i can't manage to sleep, my thoughts are too heavy, my dreams too scary and despite the wonderful company there are no cuddles to be had, so i sneak out of their place around 4 am and make the 2 mile trek home, barefoot and pregnant, picking a dandelion each block of the way, I even stop midway for hot chocolate, I haven’t told anyone but I’m pretty certain contractions have begun for real.

May 4th proper

I have napped after my trek home, Santini has made me a balloon jesus and a beautiful flower for the soon to arrive little miss.

Mom and Burl pick me up to do some grocery shopping and because I don’t feel I should be alone. i spend the day barefoot and in fairywings! I am sitting on the floor folding baby clothes when my water breaks and it’s off to the hospital.

Amniotic fluid looks like crystallized ferns under a microscope, just thought you should know.

May 5th

after nearly 24 hours of natural labor a decision is made and I have to have a c section. Darren and Nixon show up in santa’s helpers outfits .

almost exactly one yeaar after meeting her father, NilaJane Abcde is born at 7:29 pm , sunny side up and healthy.

May 8th

we go home a day early from the hospital, as we are packing to leave I get a phone call, David is also being released from jail.

On the 9th he will meet his future wife and she’ll get pregnant within the first week of their meeting. David will petition the restraining order and fail to show up to the court hearing about it. Several opportunities to be involved in NilaJane’s life will present themselves and David won’t appear for any of them. NilaJane and David will meet on a bus ride home that December, paternity will be legally established by spring of 09 and David will remain absent from his daughter’s life, later we will find out she has a little brother, 9months younger than her, at least he’s being a daddy to someone.