Friday, December 28, 2007

Names, Names, Names...

please lemme know your favorites!
and before you ask me what my favorites are please know that there were originally about 150 girl names alone, so me getting it down to, what? about 18 now? that's amazing.
there is a meaning and pronunciation guide at the bottom :)
if you have questions please lemme know i'm good at explaining by now :)

Abcde Ellameno Miranda

Alizabeth Ijena Leor Miranda
Alizabeth James Miranda

Gwendolyn James Miranda

Mable Ijena Leor Miranda

Nila Jane Miranda

Persephone Sedah Miranda

Abcde - (ab sid ee) The beginning (the pronunciation of the letters A,B, C, D and E)
Alizabeth - (ah liz ah beth) Variation of Elizabeth ~to incorporate both betty and al
Ellameno - (EL a MIN oh) A center (the pronunciation of the letters L,M, N and O)
Gwendolyn - (GWEN dah lin) White ring; white bow ~long for wendy
Ijena - (I juh NAY) The Name Janie rearranged ~Janie is my mother's name
James - (JAYMZ) Supplanter ~after J.M. Barrie as well as Captain Hook
Leor - (LAY or) The name Roel inverted ~Roel is my father's name
Mable - (MAY bull) Lovable ~after my great grandmother
Nila - (NYL ah) Blue-throated; blue-necked; cloud; passionate; river ~after my great grandmother
Nila Jane - (NYL ah JAYN) Blue-throated; blue-necked; cloud; passionate; river and God is gracious ~after my great grandmother
Persephone - (per SEF on ee) the Queen of the Underworld; consort of Hades; the Kore; young maiden (the daughter of Demeter and Zeus)
Sedah - (SED ah) Hades inverted


for as wrong as things went i am really glad that last blog captured how david made me feel in the beginning, now here i am half a year later more or less and broken up with him but pregnant with his child...
at least i am able to carry that part of my happiness around.