Monday, January 29, 2007

SG 1-29-07

Blog Post

friday my phone got run over by the bus... i was sad, i'm still sad... so it's very possible that i've lost your number, so if you can please send me a message with your # it'd be wonderful! luckily the run over phone still charges it's battery though, cause a few months ago i tried to replace that phone with one of the same model i'd gotten off ebay, which doesn't charge! things although ghetto work out i guess.

a little under a half hour ago i slipped on my stairs... i think i may be getting a nasty bruise on my hip from it, we'll see how that goes, if nothing else it sure does hurt, but at least nothings broken.
being an optimist sucks, but hey i look forward to the obvious positive things that have to start coming my way this week, right?

i'll try and come up with a decent summary of what i've been up to the last two months, or even since september wink since it looks like i've been kinda quiet.

hope you all had good weekends!


if you'll be in pdx on the 10th of february please let me know, cause i'm having a soiree!
